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    H.M Basli Ali: I Want an Internet Signal to Be Reachable throughout Selayar

    Selayar Pos
    Senin, 23 September 2019, 20:25 WIB Last Updated 2019-09-23T13:25:55Z
    H.M Basli Ali: I Want an Internet Signal to Be Reachable throughout Selayar

    SELAYARPOS.COM ■ The Regent of Selayar Islands, H.M Basli Ali (MBA) exclusively told reporters about his strategy in developing regions, which urgently needed the support of all stakeholders in the Government, including Community Leaders.

    "Because of building Selayar, the problem is far more dynamic than other regions in Indonesia," Basli Ali said.

    The vast land area and islands flanked by the ocean, make our area, completely different from other regions. Not that it's more complicated or difficult but more specific in handling and more dynamic in providing services to the community, explained MBA.

    "So it takes a special strategy for the Government. For example, by learning a lot of technological progress and cloning positive innovations that are suitable for serving the Selayar people. I underline, which is positive and beneficial in serving the Selayar people," said the MBA.

    Call it at this time, said the Regent, we plan to build an IT-based public service system, this is very suitable for our region, especially now that the progress of information technology is no longer a new item for the community. So it should be, we think this progress is utilized in government services to the people of Selayar.

    "I will maximize the time and streamline the budget, with careful planning so that all we can carry out, especially if for example we can continue in the direction of IT-based village government innovation, so that in serving the community, it no longer requires a long time and high costs," he concluded .

    He hopes that the Selayar community will support this effort, so we will prove public services that will make the Selayar people easier, cheap, easy and fast. The first step is of course we will immediately work on how to make internet signals across Selayar affordable, the MBA stressed.

    Furthermore, the Regent continued, we will fix the system and accelerate the improvement of an accurate database, and then open access to IT-based public services, so that we can immediately apply public services.

    "But be patient, we slow down and we will prove that Selayar can too," he said.

    Organizing a new governance that considers the needs and interests of the community is one of the intentions of the MBA, however the MBA claims to need time to be able to achieve it. Humans have limitations and our area also needs touch.

    In the discussion with the MBA, Pewarta drew a conclusion that the intention of the MBA to provide maximum service to the Selayar community was full of enthusiasm. Evidently, the MBA currently intends to make a major overhaul on the community service system. Where IT-Based Public service becomes the choice of MBA, for the sake of maximum Government services to the Selayar Community in the future.

    "Yes, this concept, I think can be useful and of course it will be able to improve the welfare of the Selayar people," he said, last week.

    ■ Editor : Lo2/Dimas 


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